Michael Weatherly on Extra

Michael Weatherly on Extra … Michael Weatherly Extra NCIS Navy CIS Abby Gibbs Dinozzo McGee Ziva David Kate Todd Lindsay Lohan

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10 Responses

  1. VeritasDraco says:

    Lol, does Michael really know French? He’s got a pretty decent accent.

  2. xxloulollyxx says:


  3. stepherz1409 says:

    lmao!! ahh i love him
    he cracks me up

  4. Coachramsies says:

    man how cant you like this guy he is a legend

  5. DPKArizona says:

    I thought Michael wear dye hair look like more young may be same my age He very handsome

  6. CrimsonRainIsFalling says:

    HAHA! Michael Weatherly is amazing!

  7. vidmastr26 says:

    Oh I LOVE Micheal Weatherly! He’s SOOO hot and the funniest guy I have ever seen on TV as well as off set of NCIS. He’s adorable! And he does NOT look 40!!!! He looks more like 30!

  8. arodardoardo says:

    OMG hes Tony
    quoting movies “some like it hot(1959)”
    flirtation with nearly every woman he encounters
    singing every thing he does
    and acting like a teenager

    dude hes totally Tony

  9. buchsdrn says:

    OMG He’s such a GOOFBALL!!!! He’s a ladies man all the way.

  10. MizzColdEmber92 says:

    haha… loooool^^
    monteeeeee carlooou^^

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