Inaugural Coverage: Lindey Lohan and Sam Ronson’s tender moment

at a rd carpet event, LiLo rushes to support her gal pal/ rumored GF, DJ Sam Ronson, who was feeling uncomfortable on the orange “red” carpet of the Declare Yourself Inaugural Ball in DC

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8 Responses

  1. amanda1989 says:

    wat did they say?

  2. MACS781222 says:

    They’re sooo cuuuuute, Lindsay was so sweet suporting her girl

  3. fsalaz says:

    Lindsay, Samantha si llegan a leer este mensaje, les digo que sigan juntas, además confíen en Obama, suerte chicas.

  4. nikskorpio says:

    I guess Lindsay needs to give Sam a tongue sandwich in front of a paps with video for people to stop calling them gal pals. “Rumored GF”? Seriously??

  5. katetherobot says:

    Ha ha, “rumored GF”? Jeez, maybe Lindsay needs to walk around LA wearing a sandwich board that says “ASK ME ABOUT DATING SAMANTHA RONSON” so we can finally end this ridiculous “gal pal” business.

    They are soooooooo cute.

  6. hugahuga003 says:

    by the way waht sam’s say? not clear..

  7. hugahuga003 says:

    now i can see lindsay hand at sam back..swweeeeetttttt!!~~~

  8. carrotcanremember says:


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