FIREBRANDS – Scarecrow and The Fire MTV

This was our first music video ever, of our first single from our debut album FIRST THE FLASH THEN THE PULSE. It’s supposed to portray us as outlaw characters carrying out a mission to defy the system, personified by a giant scarecrow, which of course we set on fire. During the 2 day video shoot, Jachin managed to get a deep gash in the arm and had to get it stitched up before coming back to finish filming the same afternoon. … Paris Hilton Britney Spears Lindsay Lohan music …

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25 Responses

  1. theusedrocks says:


  2. haykym says:


  3. tehdudmasterz says:

    I finally downloaded your album and this is truly the direction that rock should be headed.

  4. vladstoian says:


  5. 890popboyreal says:

    good song best one

  6. owennow says:


  7. BAZHE says:


  8. Chamillionare11 says:

    like the drums, guitar is good as well, vocals pretty good. like it.
    overall: 7.5/10
    hope the best for you guys!

  9. thornkill1 says:

    i love your music you should play in Philly when you do i will be there

  10. xThExSiLeNcEx says:

    Love this Song

  11. angelcutiexox says:

    wow u guys rock!!

  12. saga3nanna1supi says:

    Wow, I like the song and the amazing video a lot !!!

    Haha xD I’m busy writing emails to several Belgian radio stations and artists to introduce you to them!!

    Hope one day you’ll be performing here in Europe/Belgium, then I’ll be on the front row!

    -xxx- Linde

  13. dimi10000 says:

    nice man

  14. BlackbeltVideos says:

    i downloaded it and its awesome

  15. supercrazydanishgame says:

    MAN ROCK ON on you guys have verry mutch talent and nice music video it remaind me about sin city and thats good XD

  16. firebrandsrock says:

    Hey ranja, thanks for commenting on our scarecrow and the fire video. Thrilled you like our music. To answer your question, we actually have an album out now, and you can download it for free. Its at firebrandsrock . com / downloads. 🙂 Enjoy!


  17. ranjamusic says:

    Awesome Guys! I love your band!! When is your album coming out?

  18. frankslove1 says:

    Hey, yo. You’re pretty good. thnx 4 sendin’ me!

  19. gric11 says:

    Awesome!! keep rockin on!!

  20. drstein21 says:

    Very good song, this rocks!

  21. HarDcorXtreme says:

    rock on dudes! 😉

  22. 1seahl1 says:

    i like it

  23. sukimangalove says:

    I love this song !! <3
    Awesooome =D

  24. animefreak10117 says:

    not exactly my style of music:I

  25. chrisi3741 says:

    I LUVS IT!!

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