Twilight Stars Are Not F*cking?!!! – Hoedown Throwdown Housewives!

City or Millionaire Matchmaker? Who is your fave/least fave lady? 3. Should I enter the Miley hoedown and throw her down? HA! Bonus: Any topics – Octo-Mom / Lohan Spray Tan / True Beauty! SO MANY TOPICS IN THIS ONE! LOL ENJOY!! YAY SATURDAY VIDEO!!! xo Michael “Buck” … Twilight Kristen Stewart Robert Pattinson Real Housewives of New York City OC Lindsay Lohan spray tan Jade Goody Octo-Mom Millionaire Matchmaker Miley Cyrus Hoedown Throwdown What the Buck Michael Buckley entertainment news web …

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25 Responses

  1. HMundHSMFan says:

    your stupid!!!

  2. jenaeq says:

    This is…scary.

  3. ylinh911 says:

    the guy is gayyy. right??

  4. mirandainmon says:

    ur so fucking stupid u shouldnt talk bout people like that ass im going to get one off my friends to make a video bout u since u say stuff bout people so bring it on mutherfucker.

  5. xamy66x says:


  6. clubpenguindude45 says:

    dude u talk fast LOL

  7. DeNiSe1000010102 says:

    xD it sounds funny, even if I can´t understand anythin cause he speaks too fast^^

  8. Raspberriix says:

    FFS your voice is so annoying.

  9. JasmineBabyeex3 says:

    JUNE 30th,
    Lmfaao,Twilight fan in the hizzouse…
    that was very..corny of me.

  10. jojo6297 says:

    EEEW i hate miley cyrus i love twilight though it is amazing

  11. Kitaland says:

    Uh, just search Fred at Youtube : “)

  12. twilightmileyxo says:

    your a gay *****

  13. nongenc says:

    wooww this gay speaks fast and Hell too much O_o

  14. xywopetacut says:

    sexxy latina gets her pretty in pink ass plowed – TEENBOOBSTUBE[.]COM

  15. cheycheyrockz says:

    I love this guy but he talks 7000 miles an hour mi dad couldnt tell what he was sayin

  16. IL0VETWiLiGHT123 says:

    “surely shes not talking about me, whos full of happy, love, and diet soda!” ahaha, i love it!

    she wants us to watch it, learn it, shoot it, and post it. bop it! twist it! pass it! l0l .

    i love this guy!

  17. IL0VETWiLiGHT123 says:

    i dont care if hes gay, hes hilarious! what the buck?!

  18. yusuo says:

    who the hell is fred everyone keeps going on about this so called fred

  19. Zanderize says:

    this guy reminds me of fred

  20. 91usmcsniper91 says:

    the end is hilarious

  21. ocadejoxeci says:

    Kathy Heart is an anal champion – VIDEOPORNTEEN[.]COM

  22. heranje says:

    “no offence but this guy is gay”
    I don’t think he would consider that offensive at all, actually, since he’s very open about his sexuality. 😛

  23. musicianBRO says:

    1. two because pattinson hardly does anything (: taylor is so f!@#$%^&*ing awesome (: <3 though i’ve read the whole series
    2. Don’t watch them but then again this was freaking posted in freaking february.
    3. Haha.

    and taylor lautner is love. (:

  24. CrazyFieldnest says:

    no offence but this guy is gay
    and i cant believe kristins Dad said that wow
    i feel so bad for her
    omg this guy is so messed i just wanna punch em in the face

  25. rockroyalty14 says:

    i don’t like this gay guy

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