Hollywood.TV is with Lindsay and Samantha all day

Hollywood.TV is with Lindsay and Samantha all day. Lindsay and Samantha Ronson try on clothes at Dior. Samantha Ronson visits Bedford Medical complex. Samantha picks up Lindsay at the Thompson Hotel. Finally the two leave Foxtail together from the back exit. … Lindsay Lohan Samantha Ronson Millions of Milkshakes Dior Thompson Foxtail

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25 Responses

  1. latricolore says:

    jesus christ, i’d actually just fucking run them over – say it was self defence.
    they should be ashamed of themselves.
    i refuse to watch any more of these or buy any more ‘celebrity gossip’ magazines.
    it makes me sick.

  2. theviewable says:

    the papparazzi is sooo annoying….

  3. Smooth117 says:

    ok this is true but you can die
    july. may 20th. 1930.
    A girl named Ashly Kingsworth was looking for down a well and a ghost pushed her down the well. now that you read this you must Copy and Paste to 2 Other Video’s or else tonight at 12:00
    she will stand at the end of you’re bed and pull you down the well she died in”

  4. ranner82 says:

    i do not get this

  5. gunshotplague says:

    ooh ho ho i hate ppl.
    they look so uncomfortable with all those stupid papparzzi

  6. Bouncingship says:

    don’t smoke crack and meth kids

    just look at these guys…

    if you really want to be ahead of the game…don’t induce anything into your system that alters your brain functions…<—lol The english language is a bitch…A thesaurus and a dictionary should help

  7. schulldear says:

    la envidio a samamtha

  8. hellammie says:

    ¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨ post to 3 other vids
    ¨°º¤ø„¸ Copy? „ø¤º°¨ press F5 twice
    ¸„ø¤º°¨Paste “°º¤ø„¸ OK
    ¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º look at ur backgroud

  9. 005xoxisa says:

    they look cute together
    like aye gay couple or lesbo couple or lezzie couple hahahahah

  10. hlr1999 says:

    or if you are you are a butch

  11. hlr1999 says:

    maybe bcuz you are not a lesbian.

  12. random5712509 says:

    Lindsay— gorgeous, super hot and sexy
    Sam—- simple, cold, skinny

  13. random5712509 says:

    4 me she’s not cute…

  14. pasoslejanos says:

    you see…Lindsay donot hang up with Jewish anymore …they seem to be mean … she broke your heart …bless you Lind

  15. hlr1999 says:

    Fuckin Paparazzi!!!!! They are so rude to them. N Sam is cute, she is skinny, but cute.

  16. hitnrunme007 says:

    I feel bad watching this cos their being harassed; but Sam is really hot, like gorgeous.

  17. PadrethePio says:

    I kinda see the appeal…

  18. Iranian88 says:

    Sam looks terrible..

  19. InsaneTexter97 says:

    u must read this. once u have started there is no turning back. a little 10 year old girl was raped and murderded in 1945. her body was not found until 1947. then a boy last week? read this and did not copy and paste this message. the dead girl appeared in his room haunting him and killed him. if you do not copy and paste this onto 10 vidoes in 30 minutes the dead girl will apear in your room tonight and haunt you and kill you. well you

  20. OperaticElvenmaid says:


  21. OperaticElvenmaid says:

    Lindsay ist eh die beste.

  22. urafemaledog says:

    Don’t laugh at this! Just do it
    Start thinking something you really really want cause this is
    astounding the person that sent this to me said their wish came true 10
    mins after they? read the mail so I thought what the heck
    You have just been visited by DrSuess’s Cat in the Hat. He will grant
    one wish
    Make your wish when the count down is over
    Send this to 10 videos within the hour you read this.
    If you do, your wish will come true

  23. NahMateYeah says:

    God damn, everyone has a right to privacy, no need to harass people, get a life

  24. candycontainer says:

    that samantha girl looks really bad 🙁

  25. Apfelschorle1212 says:

    So sinnfrei zusamm geschnitten,erst sitz sie im Auto und danach steigt Sie wieder ein. =/ Hmm naja. Bei so vielen Paparazos möcht ich kein Star sein. Und schon gar nicht Lindsay oder Sam. Ist doch scheiss egal, wer mit wem und warum. So ein derck hier!

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