Britney Spears, Alicia Keys, Lindsay Lohan, Clay Aiken and Avril Lavigne. Visit Flow’s website for digital download info! Flow also has a new album called JAWBREAKER. It is a dance, funk album you got too check out on Flow’s website www.flowrocks.com. Credits Staring – Flow, Director – Ahmed Best, Choreographer – Raquel Horsford, Hands: Brian Ecker, Karen Stuhr, Raquel Horsford, Ahmed Best, Make up – Shannon Hughey … Britney Spears Amy Winehouse Flow Alicia Keys lindsay lohan Clay Aiken avril …

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25 Responses

  1. tierrelitasanta says:

    te ves sexi en la de madonna

  2. szusti1211 says:


  3. hugeballs40 says:

    This was VERY entertaining. KUDOS!!!!

  4. josierosales68105 says:

    ur fucking awesome!

  5. 1444y76 says:

    Super video bravo! clap clap clap clap clap clap

  6. ganiankatyflas says:

    superbravo to you!!!

  7. YouAreHereNow says:

    Hilarous video, I loved how the parody of them fit perfetly and how they looked for the one being used.

  8. overunderwear says:


  9. wowzerz567 says:

    great job my favorite was the britney spears and the amy winehouse. the video was halarious lol i loved keep up the good work 🙂

  10. linorf says:

    sorry to say but when you dress up as amy winehouse it’s identical! clever video!

  11. metalLANN says:


  12. josierosales68105 says:

    haha and i LOVE the amywine house think so cool!!!!!!

  13. josierosales68105 says:

    omg that is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

  14. deejayALiGaToR says:

    bu nas?l video am?na soktu?umun u?aaaa

  15. SummyTheCannibal says:

    xD THAT HILLARIOUS! xD I love this video! xD

  16. AnemoneAlaundorl says:

    that’s so weird and awesome 😀

  17. SStarALL says:


  18. DrfeelgoodEH says:

    you are awesome

  19. xDancexTubex says:

    The use of hands as both stage properties and scene transitions was brilliant. Good music and well-produced video = )

  20. thehyerchannel says:

    Just love this channel

  21. 4u2know1 says:

    Great video! /5

  22. helewa007 says:

    nice video…;)

  23. guidosguitarlounge says:

    nice vid

  24. RoadRunnerLaser says:

    Very clever video and catchy song… Really does need watching more than once because everything is happening quite quickly.
    I’m sure that I don’t get all of the references, but certainly performed with style and the result is thoroughly enjoyable.

  25. sophdual says:

    nice…pretty catchy song and entertaining video!

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