The Parent Trap – Every Time We Say Goodbye

Disney’s movie The Parent Trap (1998), staring Deniis Quade, Natasha Richardson and featuring Lindsay Lohan in the rol of both twins. In this scene, the parents had decided goes in separated ways, again, and the twins now that the know their parents, must say goodbye. the song is performed by Ray Charles, called Every Time We Say Godbye, ery nice, the whole movie is full of just greats songs! Enjoy … disney parent trap lindsay lohan natasha richardson dennis quade twins juego de gemelas …

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25 Responses

  1. operastar1994 says:

    I cried i loved this movie

  2. LolaAljarrah says:

    R.I.P Natasha, your memory will live on through this masterpiece. An amazing actress and a beautiful person, R.I.P.

  3. andyelde says:

    forever natasha richardson, rest in peace.

  4. bec149000 says:

    Natasha was sooooo amazing and i will miss her heaps i meet her when i was little and ill never forget that I loved her in Wild Child which was her last movie

    R.I.P Natasha and we will see you soon


  5. Carolinebear592 says:

    Nastia we will always remember you! You did a great job. And some things happen for a reson. *Sniff*

  6. GossipMay says:

    I’ll miss you Natasha… you’re great actress and I’d to say to thanks that you’re always make me happy when I saw your movie Im not your fan but I really sad ….I’ll be remember you…

  7. GossipMay says:

    We’ll miss you Natasha …
    You’re great actress and I’d to thanks that you’re always make me happy when I saw your movie Thank you so much…

  8. LooseChangePlease says:

    I was devastated when she died.
    I’ve never cried before at this movie
    but I do now.

  9. beeshor1 says:

    This was sung by Ray Charles and Betty Carter. This whole album is GREAT!

  10. TrueCelineLuver says:

    Rest In Peace Natasha, She is very beautiful

  11. fordummies99 says:

    its ray charles i think

  12. togimini says:

    who sings this song??? I’d like to know…. cant find it without this video…

  13. ILOVECHILE says:

    RIP Natasha we will always remeber you for the amazing person you are. my heart goes out to liam , sons and the rest of their family and friends at this very difficult time. my thoughts and prayers go out to all how loved her.

  14. cp4eva89 says:

    i was obsessed with this film when i was younger! i have it at home collecting dust….
    i need to see it again so i can re-live what a great actress Natasha was.

  15. PrincezzBabe16 says:

    I can’t believe she died I keep watching the clips just to hear her voice again

  16. facessx says:

    R.I.P. Natasha Richardson

  17. jamesalbuslilypotter says:

    I totally agree

  18. tobleroneisyummy says:

    I can’t believe shes died. It makes me so angry when good people die so young. Two amazing women dying in the same week, not even lasting to spend their last mothers day with their children. Rest in peace Natasha Richardson and Jadey Goody. I hope you are both somewhere happy and safe. x

  19. Kellsterstar28 says:

    I was so heartbroken to hear of Natasha Richardson’s passing, I loved her in the Parent Trap god bless her always!

  20. UndercoverJournalist says:

    I miss her so much. She’s so lovely…

  21. RaeChoong says:

    RIP .. ='(

  22. 93Hondax2 says:

    i dont think im going to be able to watch a natasha richardson movie without crying for a long time.

  23. UAL151 says:

    It is so sad that Natasha Richardson died yesterday!! Rest In Peace Natasha you will be greatly missed!!!

  24. bubadonk says:

    i couldn’t stop crying wen i watched this vid love u Natasha r.i.p

  25. AyrtonSennaSempre says:

    aaaaaw Lindsay was such a cutie back then, I cant believe Natasha has gone its such a shame, a shining talent in a vast field of sand 🙂

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