Daughter to Father (Remix)

I put together Over, Rumor and of course Daughter to Father in this remix. I know round the ending the lip snync doesn’t match but it comes out good at the end tho. Tell me what you guys think! … Daughter to Father Rumor Over Lindsay Lohan Remix

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25 Responses

  1. lolagurl16 says:


  2. ALWAYSTakoDane says:


  3. camplazlo22 says:

    my favorite remix so far

  4. LustofLove12 says:

    heres a question who do u hate the most?
    I hate me father bcuz he left me when i wuz only a baby and so did my mother.

  5. babiimamii11 says:

    did yu quyz know tht, tht stuf in the video rele happened to lindsay when she was yunqer? her lil sis plays her in the music video.. i love this sonq thouqh but i feel badd for lindsay bcuss wat she qoinq thru.. =.[

  6. daliatexas says:

    yayyy i love this song.. i just now put up this song in my myspace…..

  7. MiSz510 says:

    I want this song on my myspace page and my Ipod.. How dooo I get it?!

  8. taminu says:

    i love the remix and the video!

  9. bree95xo says:

    I like it a lot. 🙂

  10. 1892moosey says:

    i like remix wayyyyy better

  11. absiliomundus says:

    oh nevermind, You did the video. good work ^-^

  12. absiliomundus says:

    Did you make this remix or did you just do the video

  13. Blackscorpion52 says:

    dude awesome song people should stop hatin on her is a crime to have some fun

  14. wariofalcon24 says:

    love this song but i like the original version better

  15. Vampiress123m says:

    gooddd :] i love her <3

  16. lauriz7 says:

    cool! 🙂

  17. tifah1209 says:

    really cool!!!

  18. Frozen121 says:

    this is pretty badass. I lvoe the remix

  19. 90564 says:

    SO TRU

  20. soccertan03 says:

    This remix is better than the original 🙂

  21. emoistheway4me says:

    have no idea….

  22. xIIntroducinLorax says:

    can yuh get this on limewire

  23. emoistheway4me says:

    Why do people hate her so much?

    I think she deserves to have a little fun I mean cmon shes been working ALL her life up until 20. I will agree in some points especially that she shouldnt be drunk driving or carring cocaine in her pockets.

  24. Disconnected16 says:


  25. emoistheway4me says:


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