Mean Girls 300 Trailer Mash Up Recut

A combonation of Mean Girls and 300 … mean girls 300 three hundred recut lindsay lohan cady regina george fight war battle sparta high school parody funny

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25 Responses

  1. devinecrazy says:


  2. LifeIsHellaGood says:

    Hahahaha nice
    Even better: take the audio from Mean Girls and use it in 300.
    Some please do that one! I would be hilarious to see the tough guys from 300 with teenagers voices

  3. um1996 says:

    Pure genius! +1000 Internets

  4. bennyb5g says:

    I think any movie recut using 300’s trailer would make it infinitely better. What an awesome movie.

  5. juanete838 says:

    Lol watch both sides before crossing

  6. carlton987 says:

    1:13 iz funny

  7. sabolowich says:

    oh my GOD… this is psychoo… 5 STARS 😀

  8. DivineNightShade says:

    Haha someone should do a Mean Girls/Dark Knight one.. XD

  9. dreamdanni says:

    loved the video! thanks needed the laugh

  10. Kelmourne says:

    lol wtf. Hilarious. Everything goes well to the 300 trailer.

  11. DivineNightShade says:

    Lol! Great!

    Seriously, nasty, gossipy girls in school is like a spartan war :/

  12. Discosaturn says:

    It’s Cady Heron and the 300 Spartans!

  13. HairFlippinChels says:

    Aahhahahaha… Perfect-o!

  14. SirKevinMartin says:

    I’m scared. 300 mean girls? Whoa. Hahaha. We’re in for a wild night — gets hit by a bus, lol.

  15. objmgirl4life says:

    omg HAHA

  16. xxcliquemoviexx says:

    WOW that was soo good. Timing was perfect

  17. zacefronfan715 says:

    lmao!!! ‘P

  18. hubbacappa says:

    hahahahaha effing hilarious!!

  19. allmostuffie says:


  20. justinizme says:

    best video on YouTube hands down!!

    “This is Sparta!!” hahahaha

  21. GunsAndPumpkins says:

    Lmao the screaming bit was the best XD

  22. sweetsugar997 says:

    this is actually really good!
    nice job!

  23. gohanesttreschaud says:

    this is so good

  24. amal19 says:

    Wow, i was pleasantly surprised!

  25. Chance83 says:

    LMAO! Nice.

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