Pop Waffle Vol. 27: Up Up And Away!

pop waffle for the week of 5.30.09 popwaffle.com by erika brooks adickman music: pony ride by the crash … “pop waffle” “kirstie alley” “jon and kate” “plus 8” affair “chace crawford” “50 cent” “gossip girl” “lindsay lohan” gossip “celeb babies” “baby names” hollywood up pixar movie “race horses” art

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25 Responses

  1. RomyBtc says:

    wow nice job!! not only critics& gossip, but SMART critics & gossip!! u really know ur stuff!! congrats!!

  2. zigZAGGEDzebra says:

    loved it.

  3. zigZAGGEDzebra says:

    You have to email it.
    I would delete this so no one steals your idea.

  4. elmorocks8753 says:

    you gotta email it. also, i would delete it so no one steals your answer 🙂

  5. WalterMelonBox says:

    awesome vidjo enjoyed it

  6. emitome says:

    i’m loving it. never fail to put a smile on my face. love it love it and don’t stop!
    -frm singapore

  7. 99timshi says:

    Great episode, love your style so much! x

  8. sweetjess85 says:

    love your art impressions

  9. KillerFaerie says:

    answer to the question- I Fought The Law by The Buzzcocks 🙂

  10. CanoeingQueen04 says:

    I love Pop Waffe.

  11. alitaspd says:

    JjjaaAjJaAAaJjA a lIkE!

  12. inmypajamasxD says:

    love your videos 🙂

  13. tjsalzman says:

    yay, pop waffle!

  14. AveneKlein says:

    Pony Ride. Its always in the info box

  15. thelonewolf86 says:

    I like your version of Edvard Munch’s “The Scream”. (1:53)

  16. Watchusayn says:

    What’s the name of this song?

  17. crazycrookedteeth says:

    play some red hot chili peppers!! i love them!!!!

  18. lb02 says:

    Wonderful costume Idea 😛

  19. eja217 says:

    i will definitely check them out.

  20. TheSixPack123456 says:


  21. ANewRevolution says:

    Phils first album.. “It’s hard in here for a Phil.”

  22. BriIsTheFinestCheese says:

    i luv ur taste in music!! <3POPwaffle

  23. kitkattcassy says:

    oh man! i loved that show! but, they gave us an episode, and are now saying it doesn’t premier until the fall!


    (lol, ans the “audio preview” is amazing. it sounds out words, instead of actually knowing what it says. “angst” becomes “ungust.”)

  24. JollyMe08 says:

    Ahh, I can’t believe you didn’t mention something about GLEE!!! <333

  25. massie0107 says:

    dude pop waffle is the most creative thing everrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! love it

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