2009-01-09 Samantha

2009 01 Samantha Ronson

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13 Responses

  1. rockel1986 says:

    @ :19 wow.

  2. styniemg says:

    nice answer

  3. scorpiolj90 says:

    Love Samantha. I was wondering… how would be her fights with Lindsay. I bet she’s the one who tries to remain calmed and Lindsay screams like hell and destroys her house. Anyway, I love Rohan

  4. FrkFockMuah says:

    sam is almost too awesome :p

  5. viveriveniversum says:

    poor Sam can’t get rid of thos fckin paps.
    but I like to see her talking,and go fuck yourself was good!

  6. joysam3 says:

    what the papparazi asked her the second time???

  7. teamocucuruchi says:

    El papparzi esta preguntandole que a que barberia va, y ella le dice “estas tratando de ser un cabron, porque ciertamente estas actuando como tal. El le contesta que ella esta siendo pedante y ella le dice “y tu no estas haciendome preguntas rudas?

  8. roca2589 says:

    What an idiot this pap ass is, why don’t you get it? are you for real? get a real job you dumb ignorant human waste. If people tell you at your face to back off just do it!!!!!! what part of don’t want you to talk or aks questions you Don’t understand? Just back off you loosers!!!

  9. spicerthenwater says:

    are you trying to be a ar$ehole or does it just come naturally to you…….classic

  10. yedi1986 says:

    traduce lo ke dice

  11. doggam77 says:

    everything she does is epic lol, she rockks

  12. a6n1a9 says:

    “go fuck yourself!!!” LOOOOL XD

  13. heartbreakproduc says:

    hahahahahah.. samRos reaction to all the questions are epic!! hahaha

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