Freaky Friday part 2

… Freaky Friday 2003 Jamie Lee Curtis Lindsay Lohan

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17 Responses

  1. LadyJoCroft says:

    what a bratty ass brother, P.S That bitch can’t sing!

  2. cricketkay says:

    yeah thats what its called
    not pig clip or pink slit, hahaha 😀

  3. TigerMilitia says:

    LOL!!!! the boys in her room! 😀

  4. skateboardsrule06 says:

    lol as if shes playin tht solo

  5. marija459 says:


  6. spellboundbells says:


  7. KidsWithGuns1992 says:

    Now that I’ve had a proper look I think its called Pink Slip.


  8. marija459 says:

    i dont think so
    i like her more girly

  9. marija459 says:

    i thought it was called pig slip

  10. KidsWithGuns1992 says:

    Their band name is called Pink Slit, thats pretty vulgur.

  11. KidsWithGuns1992 says:

    Yeah I forgot the name of it but it was a big song in the 90’s by an all girl band.

  12. spellboundbells says:

    shes lookin awesome in tht style of hers!!!

  13. SaraMoenE says:

    you know this dad thing can be hard or easy. hahahaha funny

  14. ninjalover21 says:

    she is totally punk!

  15. Tombraider1997 says:

    OMG!I think ive heard that song u know that one on 2:00 or osmething in the garage!

  16. girlsweetcandy says:

    looool!meee 22222 at 6:54/// lmao! 🙂

  17. 2675603 says:

    i love it when she turns around and say WHAT?
    at 6:54

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