Deer jumps over biker

Deer Jumps Over Biker … deer biker jump motorcycle animal sex boob anal spears lohan hilton

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25 Responses

  1. Neur0ticism says:

    beautiful leap, very graceful, just straight over.

  2. qtfamac says:

    This kind of deers are highly expirienced in crossing a road.
    They controll a situation and jump in emergency.

    To avoid any problem in future, please look at the corner of road, if You see eyes, stop the bike.

  3. Achujienas says:

    jump !

  4. CannonballGB says:

    There is clearly a shadow from the deer, you don’t even need to look that close.

  5. IfUWantBloodd says:

    look closely you dumb fucks the deer has a shadow

    this is real

  6. meetbikergirl2 says:

    Amazing!!!!!!! !!! I’m totally crazy about this videos ,,but I just heard from my friends that they are all from a famous
    biker dating site call___mybikermatch.c om__There are many bikers ,they create so many interesting groups ,then they upload the crazing videos ,sexy personal videos,and beatifull photos there to competition,and there are many valuable prizes.find it is really interesting to our bikers.

  7. mehmetyc says:

    obvious fake 🙁

  8. courriersylvain says:

    According to the shadow of the motorcycles, the deer was supose to make a shadow in front of it at is left on the road. Where is this shadow?

  9. svensk89 says:


  10. iCunnt says:

    Fake 🙂

  11. nate123nate123 says:

    thats odd,i didnt kno that.

  12. nate123nate123 says:

    dang,that deer was gettin it.they can jump really high to,even when they’re not running that fast.

  13. lamecow21 says:

    they get blinded and dont no what to do

  14. OG1Niko says:

    i did not know that. well that was my learning for the day.

  15. BR177 says:

    when the brain processes the fear an electric shock is spread to their bodies paralyzing it for a sec… they have found the lion roar ultrasounds have the same effect over other mammals…

  16. OG1Niko says:

    but most of the time they decide to stare into the headlights with a stupid look on their face

  17. BR177 says:

    wow it can easily jump a car too

  18. kmacleo2 says:

    Its real all u haters, why must you be like that ? You can see the rider duck, and its clearly because of the REAL deer.

  19. CheerChick79 says:

    the motorcycle was already ahead when it jumped

  20. schemi94 says:

    actually its real believe it or not.

  21. RevverPizza says:

    that was so fake

  22. ItCam3Fr0mH3LL says:

    i removed it devan

  23. abcdefg1234563789 says:

    me too

  24. KVNdude says:

    looked like the deer was behind the bike, porlly didnt even nnotice, and do a lot of people record video while rding a motorbike? this is the second one i’ve seen today

  25. Killswitch2241 says:

    :O holy shit

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