Katara is like the white winged dove

Artist: Lindsay Lohan Written by: Stevie Nicks … katara white winged dove lindsay lohen stevie nicks avatar aan sokka

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18 Responses

  1. RunaeMoon says:

    This was way cool!!!! Thanx for sharing this!!!

  2. bustanutonhalo3 says:

    u must read this. once u have started there is no turning back. a little 10 year old girl was raped and murderded in 1945. her body was not found until 1947. then a boy last week read this and did not copy and paste this message. the dead girl appeared in his? room haunting him and killed him. if you do not copy and paste this onto 10 vidoes in 30 minutes the dead girl will apear in your room tonight and haunt you and kill you. well you better start to copy and paste to be saved

  3. FM897 says:

    Thank you!

  4. DancingGnome says:

    The song is called “Edge of seventeen”. That could be why people are having trouble finding it.

  5. txtermommieindahouse says:

    geez i cant find one video by stevie nicks herself!!!

  6. endlessrskies says:

    how is it possible that noone has uploaded the original?

  7. MRIlls says:

    well I must say that Lohan rocked this song respectfully I have more respect for her now.

  8. hallcham says:

    the original is better then Lohans.

  9. bamzk645 says:

    one winging dove

  10. Reapent says:

    wow lindsay has good taste in music, surprising.

  11. freeze342 says:

    katara is hot mmmmmmmmmmmm

  12. winxclub246810 says:

    who is Rindsay Rohan??????

  13. dukepwnage says:

    isnt it wierd that Rindsay Rohan…is dangerously close to….Lindsay Lohan?

  14. FleetwoodMacboy81 says:

    I love this song, it rocks!!!!!!

  15. FleetwoodMacboy81 says:

    I love this song, it rocks!!!!!!

  16. Cormier6083 says:

    Rindsay Rohan!

  17. kat2lovable says:


  18. SakuraUchiha1 says:

    Amazing video. Favored and a 5/5!

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