The Elevator Mishap- Celebrity Slutsicles

Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Tara Reid and Jessica Simpson are not just a bunch of sluts — they’re a bunch of sluts on popsicle sticks! In this episode, watch them as they’re about to die in an elevator! … celebrity slut lohan hilton reid simpson elevator fake liquid generation animation parody spoof

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25 Responses

  1. arainbowvaudeville says:

    Omg!!! I love the celebrity Slutsicles. They are soo funny. You gotta keep making more.

  2. Tombique55 says:

    ya bitch, I just took a dump in my thong!
    *complete silence*

  3. YellowTexasRose90 says:

    LMAO !!!!! that’s funny.

  4. xPaRiShx says:

    I know! It’s freaking hillarious!

  5. Mendel0014 says:



  6. IMjennaL says:

    why is the question!

  7. Elley82 says:

    I LOVE Lindsay’s Lohan voice

  8. Ultimate7 says:

    my tits are SO sore right now!!! 🙁 I

  9. topdogg1988xx says:

    shut up

  10. martinaguan says:


  11. tastythighs180 says:


  12. stopteasinme says:

    eww…this elevator smells like sknanky hobo ass…eww!!

  13. zaminboladi says:

    … Play-Cam(.COM) … zpkcsncywwro Webcam Chat on there is so cool, i met my BF there lol x

  14. garfieldrockz123 says:

    A few years ago,two parents went out for dinner.A few hours later,the babysitter was calling to ask if she could cover the clown statue in the kids’ room,the father said,”Take the kids and get out of the house.We’ll call the Police,we don’t have a clown statue.”The ”clown statue” is a killer that escaped from jail.If you don’t post this letter on to 10 videos tonight,the clown will be in you bed at? 3:00am with a chainsaw in his hand.

  15. Akiha97 says:

    But,it is what we called sluts isn’t?
    Love Slutsicers Series!

  16. Akiha97 says:

    Why they are shocked to?
    The one who shocked is elevator!
    The elevator heard many moron words from these sluts!
    *Jess Simpson rulez*

  17. BratzCelebGroup says:

    Lol.I think they are all sluts except, one thing, it doesn’t matter how much you pose for sluty pictures, it matters HOW MANY GUYS YOU SLEEP WITH AND KISS.tara kisses a lot of guys,lindsay not really,not breitney,and paris soo does.
    (tara is a slut i mean look at her picture she let every1 see her bs.even if see knew da whole time that she was a little naked she wouldnt have moved!)

  18. pandagurl10 says:

    “Oh god, it’s happening agaaiin!!!” lol and then its a bottle of Jack…lol

  19. EastCountyGirl says:

    I love watching the celebrity Slutisicles. I think it’s better with Brittany.

  20. Emporio3x says:

    Better with:


    Jessica isnt a sluttie!

  21. PipezyPruezyCharmedy says:

    I Think Its Better With Britney, Paris, Lindsay And Tara Though But Still Good Haha
    And Yeah Whats With Tara Doing All That Stuff Like Taking Dumps?
    They MAde A Joke About It On Family Guy Aswell Last Week Lol

  22. camilo0789 says:

    i dont think jessica is a slut

  23. camilo0789 says:

    whats with tara reid takin dumps on all these videos?? did she do it in real life or somethin?? btw the video is great

  24. fivebyfive1990 says:

    urrrrrrgh i just took a dump in my thong!
    LMAO! this video is amazing

  25. spinnner93 says:

    ha ha tara ! nice dress .that was sweet u should make more videos but WITHOUT lindsey lohan please!

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