Lindsay and Ali

5-13.jpgThey’ve been near inseparable since the breakup with Samantha, though the sisterly duo haven’t stayed in one place at all. They headed to Hawaii, and Europe on holiday, and arrived back in Los Angeles on May 13. When they arrived it was to hear some very good news – Lindsay has a new movie role! She’s landed a role in a new flick called “the Other Side” which also stars Woody Harrelson, Giovanni Ribisi, Dave Matthews and Alanis Moriseete! It begins shooting in October on an island off the coast of Massachusetts.

So everyone’s questions now include “Can she do it?” – according to the director, David Michaels, she is ready to take on the role of a graduate science student on a remote island. He said “Lindsay’s very aware of people’s perceptions of her. She’s really committed to doing what she has to in order to change that.”

Here’s hoping he’s correct!

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