Lindsay Lohan’s Funny New Italian Ad

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25 Responses

  1. pannabianca says:

    ma ki la creata sta pubblicita sembra la pubblicita delle barbie
    cmq lindsay sei bellixima!

  2. TherealJakeyO says:

    the commercial may “suck” and people are laughing at her… but shes laughing all the way to the bank so the joke is on us!

  3. DarkPractitioner says:

    What many dont realize is that being an italian commercial isnt that dumb, the italians dont understand english so all those words look cool to them, even though they dont know what they mean. Its just a cool fashion thing. Makes perfect sense.

  4. AustralianStallion90 says:


  5. calanerow says:

    ana is one hot piece of ass. jeez id love to do her.

  6. freepatata says:

    I hate this two idiots.

  7. dickstarbucksmut says:

    you know what….fuck lindsay lohan.she had a great career and tons of money…she screwed up…fuck feelin’ sorry for her…when us regular folks get arrested for drunk driving,drug possesion and all that shit…society sees us as low-lifes and scum…but this rich spoiled lil cunt who had everything to begin with and she fucked up has milions of idiots that feel sorry for her?and enough with the “being a celebrity is hard”bullshit…try workin in a coal mine 10 hours a day,7 days a week…

  8. shortman698 says:

    Lol this is one of the only videos that is legit on this show lol and it’s funny!

  9. DenisLuvNicole says:

    The second time she said splash not flash you idiot and you make fun of her but you can’t remember or hear 3 words correctly

  10. Voodooray007 says:

    “Please, she’s an ARTIST…do not throw pennies at her!!” – Crow T. Robot

  11. watchingvideos87 says:

    hha i love it !!

  12. EATPROTEINgetHUGeRus says:

    Lindsey Lohan evidently has a genious IQ

  13. YouJussGotCurbed says:


  14. random5712509 says:

    i agree

  15. random5712509 says:

    you dont care… its my opinion anyway…

  16. jxsilicon9 says:


  17. phantomlord1981 says:

    lindsay is a useless slut

  18. SKVNGE says:

    the second time, it’s splash, not flash again

  19. Mustang424 says:

    See what drugs do to a career…

  20. ClementJ642 says:

    lol This is how I picture every commercial in the sci fi version of the future.

  21. thetuffknight says:

    OMG Dont watch that commercial while doing ACID it could scare the hell out of u.

  22. reeamya says:

    shame lindsay lohan now doing commercials saying random words for a fashion outlet, oh how the mighty have fallen.

  23. shadowcnidarian says:

    Another result of child acting.

  24. mobyfreerunner says:

    THT commercial SUX omg!
    this is the lindsay lohan tht i loved as a kid?! -.-

  25. HammandClov says:

    Sorry to admit this but I like the beat though. Hate the chick (the Parent trap was her best movie).

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