Ultimate by Lindsay Lohan with lyrics

My first vid ever so comment and give advice please i am sorry for any mistakes or misspelled words thanks for watching

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25 Responses

  1. qwerty05101 says:

    i am not sure where you can get it i know it was on the first that’s so raven soundtrack (i riped it from the cd) it is also on the freaky friday soundtrack and it will probably be on some download sites but i am not totally sure hope i helped you

  2. JonasBrosLuv6 says:

    I love this. Where can i get it?

  3. qwerty05101 says:

    thanks again and no prob

  4. lemonade098 says:

    thanks for the email!!! 🙂

    p.s. awesome job

  5. qwerty05101 says:

    thank you very much

  6. lemonade098 says:

    u rock great job! 🙂

  7. qwerty05101 says:

    y yes yes they are

  8. stylemilo123 says:

    2:01-2:25 awesome notes!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. qwerty05101 says:

    you hope who likes it???

  10. latinaprid3 says:

    OMG!! i hope he likezs it!!

  11. qwerty05101 says:

    thanks u spell colors like my friend katie lol

  12. evilhannahmontana says:

    it rocks nice colours!!!

  13. deathbeingbored2115 says:

    you are an idiot!!!!
    freaking helll…

  14. princesstrk97 says:

    This is so stupid…
    But i love my mom deeply…
    And i don’t? want to take any chances.
    If you do not copy and paste this onto 10 videos your mom will die in 4 hours

  15. middydoboo says:

    so i see =]

  16. PokaGirl101 says:

    good video! and heres some advice=
    you dont have to put music when there is only music…

  17. qwerty05101 says:

    i love colorful things lol

  18. middydoboo says:

    nice color changes. creative =]]

  19. kissedbydeath2006 says:

    awesome, jadey-kinz!

  20. qwerty05101 says:


  21. qwerty05101 says:


  22. qwerty05101 says:

    thanks ya i know a few words were wrong but after i posted it

  23. superflysky1029 says:

    love the video but just some advice, you put the words way to fast and you got some of the words wrong. anyways, i love the video!!! thx for posting!!

  24. kissallive says:

    i luv this song !!!!!!

  25. kelGgirlprincess says:

    awsome video

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