Yuna hates Rumors

~.:Lyircs:.~ Saturday, stepping into the club The music makes me wanna tell the DJ, turn it up I feel the energy all around And my body can’t stop moving to the sound But I can tell that you’re watching me And you’re probably gonna write what you didn’t see Well, I just need a little space to breathe Can you please respect my privacy Why can’t you just let me do The things I wanna do I just wanna be me I don’t understand Why would you wanna bring me down I’m only having fun I’m gonna live my …

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25 Responses

  1. Nikkimomo says:

    I ripped them from my game cd XD

  2. wwefan999997 says:

    where do u get your clips?? can u make me a video????

  3. andracrombiexo12 says:

    lol gippal what

  4. MinaVincent says:

    awsumnes!! :]

  5. FinalFantasyFan800 says:

    wow this one is nice

  6. shanshito09 says:

    amazing my reverences

  7. Nikkimomo says:

    Hey! Thanks for putting this video up.
    hi everyone its ‘Nikkimomo’ the creater of this video!
    thanks so much for putting it up, and having comments made. It helps me alot.
    Check out my site for more videos.

  8. CuteSunYe15 says:

    Rumors by Lindsay Lohan(sp?) 😀

  9. TahaneyFlamme says:

    What is the song’s title?

  10. Sephrothjeans101 says:

    y did u pick a lindsey lohan song good too but y

  11. toyy7675 says:

    So let me guess you lost in the game right?:P
    If thats not why then why you calling Yuna a char in Final Fantasy X2 a slut?

    Send me a message would be fun to know 🙂

  12. PaineRikkuYuna says:

    I LOVE THIS!! YOu’re a really talented editor!! 🙂

  13. PrincessGarnet16 says:


    dude its fucekn game char
    and she aint a slut cuz well she dun have sex people or anything or is all up on men so get yo facts straight

  14. equestrian14 says:

    ok thanks!!

  15. xXxMuffin94xXx says:

    Lindsay Lohan

  16. equestrian14 says:

    love it! who sings this song?

  17. SquallandAlbelfan says:

    This is brilliant! I love it!

  18. Yuna4298 says:

    OMG! This vid is Awesome, I love it I give it a rate of over a 1,000″ :] Good Job!

  19. marvinjoie18130911 says:

    it was a cool vid.

  20. animegrl357 says:

    awesome job yet again!!!! =D

  21. rikkugirl194 says:


    oh and ps KHisfukingay … ur SOOOOOO FUCKING STUPID SHE IS NOT A SLUT !!!!!!

  22. danikeleher says:

    I love this video. =D
    Yuna is gorgeous. =) And so not a slut.

  23. Momogirl says:

    ya rite yuna is so not a slut. she loves tidus and just him alone. she only wears those outfits cuz it was in the sphere. the singing durin real emotion wasnt her, it was leblanc. stupid person psh. i liked it!!1

  24. KHisfukingay says:

    fuk yuna shes a fuking slut everyoen knows it

  25. Miistli says:

    Awesome vid ^_^

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