Lindsay Lohan – Bossy [Brand New HQ]

Lindsay Lohan’s new song from her third album. enjoy and please comment 🙂 (and dance of course:P)

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25 Responses

  1. LouFanucchi84 says:

    maybe i should make you my number one! bottomline it’s going to be my world and the ones who think they help by actin in the media are going to fall bway behind, im through palin games on all levels!

  2. Patrick3183 says:


  3. canadianbabe17 says:

    at 1:26 i just know she was talking about nick carter maby you should check your lindsy info stlkr567s before you start talking shit u ass boo yaa

  4. kittiwitti says:

    At least her life is turning around. I am happy for her. She is finally able to move on with her life.
    The song sounds like Linsday’s CD may be pretty good.

  5. Friskay2008 says:

    damn she is hornay most bisexual are ;P

  6. kenves1 says:

    this song is awesome i thought was stupid first but them i got stock in my head and now i love it

  7. kenves1 says:

    i love lindsay she has a great vocie she should do more concerts

  8. orionifo says:

    Lindsay is spectacular! luv her voice and groove, she already is a Super star!! Yeaaah
    groove on girl

  9. sandyface88 says:

    not a big fan of lindsay especially when put that crappy song “daughter to father” crap! but this song hot! it pains me to say it but its truth.. go lindsay

  10. DisneyMusic08 says:

    I Love her and I SUPPORT her in every way 🙂
    Can’t wait for her third Album =]

  11. KyleRankin94 says:

    I’m just a lil Bossy You got a Problem with it? 😀 LOL

  12. Amandaaa876 says:

    lindsay is a diva and you’re just a loser. so instead making fun of who is way hotter and better than you, go and fuck your little boobies girlfriend.

  13. efilMuziXzi2021 says:

    hmmm, it’s ok

  14. lusciousmami77 says:

    This Song Is Major..

  15. punkrawk24 says:

    luv lindsay & her new song!

  16. gaBrieLLa19886 says:

    she is so freakin hot! i think she still gots it@! good job

  17. sexyyroy67 says:

    Fucking cute

  18. Pinkgtrs says:

    looks like we are back in the 90’s..and early 200’s. [=

  19. teddy20 says:

    she need more training,lindsay used to be hot and cute =(parent trap)now more like a bitch.but no comment on her songs its still ok.this one not my fav.

  20. gogoloko says:

    Lindsay fucking rules xo

  21. gogoloko says:

    Same here !

  22. thaiboi10 says:

    love her

  23. EvilGreenRanger95 says:

    lindsay lohan is so pretty!

    love this song!! <3

  24. krlaa94 says:

    lindsay!!!! <333333333333333333
    love her so fuckin’ muuuuuuuuch!

  25. asagraydee says:

    I listened to this like one time and at first I was like “this song sucks!” but then I got it stuck in my head….so I was singing it…

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