Lohan Transmission – Herbie Bloopers

Bloopers From The Movie Walt Disney All Rights Reserved

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25 Responses

  1. miionlymii says:

    ”aaah she spits like a diva!!”
    love him..

  2. miionlymii says:

    3:50 Lol!!

  3. xFANPiREbabex says:

    but why waste your time doing that if you simply dislike someone? If you find that enjoyable then alright you do have a right.

  4. jenaosa1224 says:

    so i can publicly voice my hatred

  5. xFANPiREbabex says:

    then why watch this video?

  6. xFANPiREbabex says:

    this was funny! despite the horrible things that the media is saying about lindsay, she is actually a really good person and she is human like the rest of us! =]

  7. Morsal45 says:

    funniest bloopers ever expecially the part with justin OMG LMAOOOO 3:57 HAHAHAHA

  8. Morsal45 says:

    yeah they played ALOT of pranks on her on the set, I heard from an interview lol LOVE LINDSAY LOHAN!!!!

  9. roxas13th says:

    LOL! did they do 5:01 on purpose? haha, shes terrified by spiders 😀

  10. anamanzana000 says:

    you can tell that they have alot of fun.

  11. ThyatiraZerepath says:

    justin lol

  12. jenaosa1224 says:

    oh my god does she have to scream every five seconds…seriously?

  13. jenaosa1224 says:

    i really don’t like lindsey lohan

  14. fghjghf says:

    omg. justin is too funny! ….this just makes me laugh soo hard…=]]

  15. ringuettegurl says:

    LOL eww eww ew!

  16. DemonBunn says:

    She can scream!!!
    MAN and I thought My sister could scream!

  17. Phantheman90 says:

    you cant enjoy making a movie more than these guys do !

  18. pleasant345 says:


  19. InTheBuffyverse says:

    My god thats funny! She is such a girl:P

  20. wildandweird08 says:

    lol nice takes with the fake bugs…classic.
    gives me ideas for my friends bdays lol…..nah i’m jk but seriously love the pranks

  21. flipanghel says:

    hahahaaa.ii love it how the guy keeps bringing out these fake bugs and scaring the shit out of her! 😛 :L

  22. amerikanuluv says:

    Lindsay Lohan Is the most talented actress of her generation…LLove you Angel..peace

  23. megoesp00f says:

    wow..lidnsay lohan looks like she used to be fun. like in previous movies too.now shes… :[ wasted D:

  24. xolilayxo says:

    the last one is funny ^^

  25. pidgette1989 says:

    lol i luv the way she screams so funny

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