That Girl – Lindsay Lohan

That Girl – Lindsay Lohan

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20 Responses

  1. onlysabz says:

    i luv her voice

  2. coolgurl614 says:

    so true! :]

  3. Limaperu32640 says:

    thats ok not every one knows english

  4. starlight1314 says:

    it’s sad tht all these homophobic ppl stopped liking lindsay lohan just cuz she’s going out w/ a girl. it is so pathetic tht ppl base their opinions of someone on their sexual orientation.

  5. frankryddle says:

    sorry, i don’t speak english very well 🙁

  6. SelGomez23 says:

    actually its kida both its that girl but its aminly drama queen n i sound like a nerd right?

  7. Limaperu32640 says:

    i love this song she is a great singer the only thing is way did she go into dugs but i love how she sings and i love her outfits in the song and how the change it so cool

  8. z3tori says:

    i <3 lindsay lohan <3 , i admire her…luv uuuuu xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxox

  9. frankryddle says:

    sisi, pero el nombre del video es That Girl. Grax por el coment =)

  10. Disneyfreakchannel01 says:

    I love this song!It’s awsome!She sounds so much better then than she does now!Anyone agree?

  11. meis2007 says:

    This song is so catchy and cool. I miss the old Lindsay so much… I would wish I knew her.

  12. jessatanfield says:

    is tha lad who plays sam the boi who played tucker on nikleodeon?

  13. ihatesushi123 says:

    i love this song man

  14. lokita1208 says:

    the name of the song is not That girl…. is Drama queen

  15. flottebiene1 says:

    des is soooooooooo geil genauso wie der film!

  16. Mysteri0usChip says:

    nicee sonqq dudee! <33

  17. ilikescreaming247 says:

    That girl…

  18. angprn says:

    this song kick ass!!!!!!!!

  19. cullensbellatwilight says:

    nice song

  20. sweetnsexiichick says:

    LOVE THiiS!!

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