Lindsay Lohan COMES OUT about her relationship with Ronson

Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson talk about DJ AM plane crash and when asked about their relationship.. well lindsay comes out!

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18 Responses

  1. sjbiase says:

    rude much?

  2. sjbiase says:


  3. queenroshina says:

    for the person that thinks it’s wrong is life worng…i’m Bisexual…and i must say get over it and stick with what your saying if you have nothing worng with it than it’s not wrong it ok…your clearly not ok with it…..

  4. zenchemist says:

    From what I can decipher of that sentence, you MIGHT have something against the “lesbos”

  5. flullyprincess says:

    omg! dude u got it she is a lesbo!!!! ugh i got no thing against them but they r jst wrong

  6. Skeet1509 says:

    Yuk an ignorant dumbass commenting…whats the world coming to! Then again he lacks any sort of intelligence,it wouldn’t surprise me if his actual age is between 10 to 12.

  7. theboycrys25 says:

    seriously, did you see the video titled ” BUSTED!!! lohan and ronsen hugging and kissing” lol I forget, if someone can please remind me… it trendy to be shocked about 2 people of the same sex inlove? lol

  8. cartman713 says:

    Scratch Live from Serato

  9. melanyroman says:

    What program does she said?

  10. weyoun2006 says:

    Yuk a dirty lesbo….whats the world coming too! Then again she lacks any sort of talent it wouldnt surprise me if it was a publicity stunt.

  11. StaceyBede says:

    Lindsay sounds different on the phone lol…

  12. judgejudyslover says:

    someones gay….oh my gosh call the press!!!!!!!!!

  13. badmediakarma18 says:


  14. deviantpinja says:

    That’s awesome! I love Samantha and Lindsay is pretty cool too despite some things she’s done. I’m really happy for both of them!

  15. marieclaude90 says:

    GODDDDDD SHE SAID IT it was the time

  16. ba7rainia19 says:


  17. agcrocks says:

    OMG!!! veeeery verry NICE vid!…. U got it!..

  18. Style156 says:

    Ciao… qualcuno ke vede qst video può dirmi in sintesi cosa hanno dtt.???.. scusate ma nn capisco mlt l’inglese… Grz mille

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