Linsday Lohan And Jojo

Video dedicated to JojyPrincess and Sandry14. Song : Just getting stared of Sabryna Bryan (cheetah Girls)

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21 Responses

  1. theimmortalass says:

    u should tell me where u got the pics they r sweet

  2. theimmortalass says:

    they r both very hot

  3. TinaTaubenfeld says:

    But JoJo is prettier and she’s not a lesbian.

  4. letscream4icecream says:

    OMG where di you get the pic of linsday at 56 ??

  5. Batwomen1357 says:

    jojo and linsday look like sisters

  6. Batwomen1357 says:

    Ya…… you’ve meet her…

  7. freakieweakie says:

    I’m Just getting started!!
    great song and video!

    Loveeeeeeeee Lindsay! (L)
    i once met her, she’s so nice!! =D

  8. mcmandy086 says:

    They’re waaay too beautiful! It’s so unfair! :'(

  9. Heyasea100 says:


  10. Heyasea100 says:


  11. hisgir says:

    loves it! i gotta give ya props!

  12. JOJOFEN94 says:

    Linds is my favorite atress,but Jojo is my life :*

  13. Heyasea100 says:

    Thanks but I’m not awesome
    You are the one

  14. SandraLohan says:

    love it!

    u’re awesome 😀

  15. Heyasea100 says:


  16. xXCuteBabyAngelxX says:


  17. RoseFlower3cocoa says:

    Wicked what is this song?

  18. Heyasea100 says:


  19. lucynice says:

    great video
    jojo and lindsay rocks!!!

  20. Heyasea100 says:

    Ohh thak u so much. I love u 2 u re the best!!!

  21. JoJyPrincess says:

    Omg Chloe this’awesome!! Thanks…u’re so sweety my dear!! U’re fantastic.. I love it and I luv u too!!!
    U’re my angel

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