Living Lohan E01 Part3

Don’t subscribe, I probably won’t upload next week’s episode.

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25 Responses

  1. micaamry says:

    Dina Ali and Lindsay all look exactly the same. i dont even look that much like my mom and sis

  2. orangecounty283 says:

    oh god.
    they have the grandma in on it too.

    this family is so sad.
    the only one I like is LINDSAY.
    the others need to shut the fuck up and calm down.

  3. samanthanicole007 says:

    Lol, I actually like dina. She’s very protective over kids and truly cares about them. I’m sure it’s really hard to deal with the papparatzi and all the rumors. You have to be tough and fight for your way and I think she does a good job at it.

  4. slapyalaterr says:

    yess i looked into those mans eyes at a concert… haha
    anyways everyone in the music business any business will “use” each other to pull up… its just how it is and always will be

  5. TeresaG310 says:

    how do you know that..when did she say that

  6. TeresaG310 says:

    you dont even hear about ali anymore

  7. TubbyCatProductions says:

    Even Nana thinks it’s a lie that Ali can sing

  8. mundapunda says:


  9. AmberBaybeee says:

    i heard this show was a lotta crap, but its actually quite gd haha. i love reality tv ! 🙂 .. ali + dina seem really cool 🙂

  10. GilieBean says:

    Woww , idk . i lovee this showw !

  11. hyuugafan88j4 says:

    lol, the drama in this show is so unreal 😛

  12. gotmilk116 says:

    “one of the idiot ppl are trashing us” ahah i don’t even like dina but thats hilarious

  13. hokeypokeysophie says:

    “Don’t subscribe, I probably won’t upload next week’s episode” and.. you did 😮 lol

  14. TokyoPink08 says:

    adults arent always right. age doesnt mean superiority, expecially considering how stupidly jeremy was acting. if you dont listen to children and their opinions then they will act loud and rebellious, just like ali did, because theres no other way of getting people to listen.
    And you dont slap kids. ever.

  15. 007criss007 says:

    it’s true lindsay is so FAMOUS ali NOT…

  16. IceysMoment says:

    i got minus there but little hehe
    or cher in movie mermaid=)
    just opinion folks.

  17. IceysMoment says:

    dina-mom reminds me of lorelai gilmore-mom=)
    thats sweet neat lov’em. both
    lohans n “gilmores”<3
    i can see dina and eminem 2gether so hot cool
    dad n to dina n shady<33

  18. AliLohanFan01 says:


  19. zacynessa4eva says:

    ali is in love with jeremy this is y she tries 2 act all big wen ‘confronting’ him

  20. 4Estefania4 says:

    O come on!!! this a fake lol
    linsday lohan is GAY!!! 😮

  21. enigmatica93 says:

    haha the tag “white trash”

  22. diamondcat23 says:

    At the end i think they might have been blowing it out of proption but it was harsh when shewas bullied like that

  23. clover0o0o0o says:

    Vatfryer (yer!!!!!)
    (4 days ago) Show Hide +2 Marked as spam Reply | Spam I don’t think Ali realizes she’s a 14-year-old CHILD. She should not be talking to an adult like

  24. Vatfryer says:

    I don’t think Ali realizes she’s a 14-year-old CHILD. She should not be talking to an adult like that, no matter how angry she is. She’s lucky she didn’t get slapped.

  25. hemzzzzzmisslove says:

    ALIANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA loveeeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuu

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