Lindsay Lohan Watches Car Hit Paparazzo

Sept 19th, 2008. Beverly Hills, CA. After lunch at Judi’s Deli with Samantha Ronson, Lindsay Lohan struggled to walk down the sidewalk with a large group of paparazzi and police getting in her way. When asked about her father’s engagement, Lohan responds, “I don’t care,” and then witnessed as a paparazzi got hit by a car shortly after.

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20 Responses

  1. FuckingFatAssBitch says:

    yeah but maybe they should go and get a real job and mind their own business
    Poor lindsay.

    I love her

  2. FuckingFatAssBitch says:

    I know, it’s SICK

  3. mishakat says:

    HAHAHAHA! Too bad it didn’t happen to all of the idiots that call this a JOB!

  4. paparazzireform says:

    Unbelievable there isn’t a law against this type of harassment.

  5. HilaryDuff201 says:

    It,s their job.

  6. rockinpoison89 says:

    poor lindsay, I would kill myself if I had to bear all these flashes

  7. ople125125 says:

    I kno u guyz all think the pazz are assholes but thats there line of work and i here it pays well to 😀

  8. jonsmithsbro says:

    Those cops are badass
    have to admit..I’d lose it and say
    get the fuck out of the way!

  9. RichardDdog says:

    man good thing i aint a star cuz i woulda pulled out a fuckin gun on them paparazzis

  10. 100dancelover100 says:

    that is so nasty. i can’t believe the paparazzi. they are asking her relly personal questions. ( are you getting married?) and they really are complete strangers. i would hate to live like tht now i know why celebrities have to wer big sunglasses all the time. i feel sooooo sorry for her.


  11. cliffoneyns says:

    fucken paparazzi should get a life

  12. real468 says:

    id carry a taser and shock all of them,,,

  13. twee86 says:

    i cant wait ot be famous LMAO NOT

  14. MikaMeMe says:

    holy crap, they needa leave her alonee.

  15. zephytas says:

    leave her alone stop following her

  16. emacro81 says:

    oh man thats super crazy! who can anyone live like that?

  17. nickjfelloffthestage says:

    wow that would suck

  18. sportyspunk97 says:

    This would be an INSANE way to live… Now I feel sorry for her.

  19. justwatching777 says:

    gosh, leave her alone…

  20. finwisher says:


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