2009-01-15 Courtney Love

2009 01 We caught up with a very sober Courtney Love last night, and the usually incoherent rocker had plenty to say to say to X17 photogs. She chatted about her plans to move, and when the paps asked her what she was doing later, she replied, “What am I going to go do? Hang out with Lindsay and Sam!”

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11 Responses

  1. megsim1 says:

    big bitch

  2. rockangel7777 says:

    We Love you Courtney love .. !
    ur the best Rocker chick the world has ever known !

  3. ChrisJAm14 says:

    Paparrazi make me sick. Get a life you fucking douche bags.

  4. andressatricolor says:

    eeee brazilian people..
    nossa,ela foi muito massa com voces!!!

  5. KurtneyForever says:

    GOD, i love her. She’s such an awesome person…

  6. NevermindKurt94 says:

    Oh I love her and that’s the birthday of my sister 🙂

  7. ANApoland says:

    no… ;P she’s said that she thought of ending music career after this one, but i’m sure that she’ll do that only if it was badly welcomed by critics, so i guess she’s very anxious about “ND”

  8. MichaelSxe555 says:

    I think she’s just a lazy fuck 😉

  9. ANApoland says:

    i think that she’s afraid how critics will react on her new album after the last one, she’s constantly changing sth… i hope that it won’t be like with “chinese democracy” 😛

  10. MichaelSxe555 says:

    She says that they have to re-record the drums?! WHAT THE FUCK! She said she was done in July in a blog after a song called “Honey”.

  11. angelicasin says:

    she looks great. the emmaciated look didn’t work x

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