Lindsay Lohan “I Can’t F*CKING See”.

Lindsay Lohan “I Can’t F*CKING See” At The Pacific Design Center. 04 21 09. Follow us on TWITTER at

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25 Responses

  1. HOLYpinkGRASSHOPPER says:

    back off bro..back off

  2. mazbz says:

    awwh.. =[
    I love lindsay lohan no matter what people say about her.. she’s like the Godness!!
    and yes.. The security guard was cool!!

  3. shair29 says:

    poor girl. those cam flashes are bright. but her hair is so pretty i love it! and she is gorgeous~

  4. CommonCentsWebShow says:

    I approve of the Maserati Lindsay, nice choice of vehicle.

  5. DigitalMast3r says:

    i haz ze maserati quattroporte 2009 in black. which maserati does she have?

  6. dumbterdz says:

    this is funny. poparazi iz quers

  7. ICECold764 says:

    Wow paparazzi have to be some of the most pathetic people in the world, people should be able to kill them on sight. *

  8. kendingo111 says:

    i agreee if i was fmaous i would grab there cameras and smash them wiht it on ther fucking heads there sooo annoying !!

  9. unknown2022 says:

    wow that Z thing and ur maserati is so cool I bet ur a really coool guy

  10. unknown2022 says:

    lol at “dude you’re taking your job way too seriously”

  11. coach12 says:

    but if the paparazzi were gone, who would film these videos you get to watch at home?

  12. coach12 says:

    should people who watch their videos be killed too? there is a demand for this crap and we all love to watch it.

  13. kendingo111 says:

    We dont need to see someone coming out of a car thats jus sad i could live with out this shit and they could be a lil less in your face if they really have to do it

  14. ICECold764 says:

    I see your point, I stumbled on this video, I don’t go searching for this stuff. People should stop buying those stupid star magazines or whatever. Still the paparazzi are dick heads and they deserve the worst. Let them and their families get stalked and see if they like it.

  15. NTRSANDMAN says:

    “that’s what I get paid for fool”

  16. ko0p says:

    Mexican secuirty on duty muthafuka

  17. TyshaOakes says:

    What a horrible world.

  18. yellowdress44 says:

    i really hope that one day there will be a law against this kind of harassment; it’s really unnecessary

  19. yellowdress44 says:

    and to respond to a previous comment, i honestly could care less if there were no longer paparazzi

  20. IcemanF35 says:

    i finally understand kurt cobain…

  21. funnycutie01 says:

    wow she isnt nice papparrazzie like miley is

  22. Dreamydre15 says:

    The paparazzi isn’t as harsh to Miley as they are to older celebrities…yet anyway.

  23. coolgirljess94 says:

    for goodness sake!
    why is she being so horrible to them, without the paparazzi people would soon forget who she is, they make celebrities who they are! I would definitely be like Miley with the paparazzi she understands them 😀 i wish i was the one the were following. You haters are all just jealous !!

  24. KEH1503 says:

    omg cant the paparazzie c she doesnt want them to follow her!! i mean they r telling them to bac off

  25. Chappis91 says:

    It doesnt make them celebrities.
    Theyre celebs for being in movies, or modeling, doing an add, commercial, or TV show.
    Paparazzi’s are giving them a bad reason to be celebs, if they dont do shit they dont decerve the fame.
    Paparazzis NEED to lay off.

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