Lindsay Lohan dropped from movie

Lindsay Lohan has been dropped from her comeback movie Inferno, as she’s uninsurable. Submit your videos at . Follow us on twitter at .

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25 Responses

  1. vigo894 says:

    Yeah sure, it was Lindsay’s decision. And I am the Holy Roman Emperor. Okay,, as musch as I love Malin Akerman, and I do think she’s a better actress than Lindsay, I don’t think that she’s right for the role.

  2. RJAD07 says:

    @petuniamighty I see what you mean but I guess being in the spotlight does things to you and definitely puts more pressure on the way you have to be. I think she needs to realise her actions and I hope she is finally doing that.

    It’s good to see some people can have a sensible debate on YouTube thank you for your reply 🙂

    Rosie xoxo

  3. arsmcvy says:

    use another actor lah..

  4. swankrecords says:

    I wonder if she’ll go balls deep for Vivid Films.

  5. serenahamed10000 says:

    Lindsay is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
    better than Milan

  6. serenahamed10000 says:

    wtf why don’t she and every one understand that she is the best chick flicks actress ever and that she should just do some chick like mean girls again and that will get her back

  7. Wentfradump says:


  8. dean4516 says:

    She’s a dumb ass, but it’s still sad to see anybodies life ruined by chemical dependancy.

  9. rumrunner777 says:

    Li-LoL XD

  10. petuniamighty says:

    @RJAD07 there is so much info out there she has had so many privledges with having a lot of cash , there are many many people that have had crazy families , and they do not choose what she has chosen . she has seen what it does and continues to make an ass of herself . at one point we all agree that she is just a stupid girl that was another kid actor that could not hack the big time , can’t take it , get out of the kitchen !!!

  11. SusuBadaoui says:

    say hi to Demi for me 🙂

  12. MrSimpsonsfan100 says:

    not surprising, i wouldnt have keep her if i was that director

  13. Samsasrenjet says:

    I hope no one ever talks about Lohan ever again.

  14. RJAD07 says:

    What some of you don’t realise is she is physiologically damaged from the pressures and stress of stardom. It’s an ugly world out there and it’s hard to stay sane unless you have a stable family and general quality of life and she’s had none of that. Her father & mother are both strange and the rest of her family doesn’t seem to be helping either. Show your support and try to help this girl instead of slagging her off.

    Thank you

  15. ajaykeer23939 says:


  16. georgiawilliams1 says:

    shes amazing

  17. blackxxdeath says:

    Poor Little Rich Bitch

  18. chenelle97 says:

    It seems all disney can produce is sluts= Miley Cyrus, and Drug addicts= Lindsay Lohan.
    I jst hope Phineas and Ferb dnt grow up to become pedophies ;P

  19. 007bondspy says:

    poor little rich bitch

  20. kylecoolio12 says:

    @SaraMarie41 well you are really fuckin stupid my friend.

  21. SaraMarie41 says:

    i wouldnt take her place, even if i was getting paid and was in need of money.

  22. MrAubery says:

    I feel for ya Lindsay !

  23. ShreddingSpandex says:

    dj lohan

  24. Terrible2Pro says:

    the movie would have sucked anyway

  25. concernedagain says:

    Two sides to this.
    What young aspiring actress would want to take on such a role in the first place?, linda lovelace, accodring to people close to her, she was off her head and done animal porn to boot!,..yeah, great role ?
    Or, Lohan is just fooling the public and will continue with it.
    Plus the lovelace family are upset that a film is being made.
    Wrong on all levels. 🙁

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