KERMIT THE FROG & ME TWITTER BLOGTV CALL ME 562 606 1512 MERCH/ONLINE STORE RINGTONES http WEBSITE … fred runs for president katy perry parody kised girl ur so gay kissed kermit the frog one of boys hot cold britney spears miss piggy funny crazy pussycat dolls avril lavigne perez hilton tmz lindsay lohan try not to laugh emo guy disney channel miley cyrus dance hannah montana selena gomez zac efron high school …

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25 Responses

  1. moechickenass says:

    go to my channel

  2. HaroBikeGirl says:

    kermit peniss haha! id buy that off e bay

  3. laurieandreily says:

    at first i thought you said on stdtv and i was like dude what the hll?!

  4. abbeyroad31 says:

    SMILE REAL WIDE FOR THE POP POP POP POP PAPARZZI i love that song 🙂 and hahahahaha i loved that 🙂

  5. dirohazurufy says:

    Natural babe Angelina Love double shafted – 1TUBEXXX[.]COM

  6. UntieTheBalloons says:


    man, i love you shane 🙂
    you made my day.

  7. Isabellathefella says:

    you are the sexiest guy ever!

  8. WoWgirl45 says:

    FROG PENIS!!!!!!!! 2:55

  9. larvalalaland001 says:

    wow i havent watched any of the first vids in a while and he looks really and sounds different………..and im not talking about kermit

  10. thisisntlogan1234 says:


  11. tikkajune says:

    aww how cute. <3

  12. tiamia29 says:

    lol love the ending that was funny

  13. imafakemexicann says:

    you looked hot in the pic in the beginning..<3

  14. moechickenass says:

    go to my channel

  15. oliivia523 says:

    hahha ur soo funny! hahhaha SHANE! that pic of u at the beginning of the vid. You looked so hot in that pic

  16. LaserGoGoTFGOA says:

    i have this fear of kermit the frog, so i couldn’t even watch past like, 1:30 on this. lol be considerate of us people shan! jk 🙂 love you to death 🙂 you’re hilariouss!

  17. sin2040 says:

    Hahahaha Hilarious song.

  18. watevr48 says:

    omg pause at 2:55
    its the penis!!

  19. softball1394 says:

    omg the beginning was Cobra Starship.

    haha =]

  20. iHeartmyKassiasaurus says:

    shane dawson tv
    lol [:

  21. JakeTVdude says:


  22. ghostieeee says:

    hahaha katy perry 😀

  23. ghostieeee says:

    omg you can do his voice perfectly!!!!!!

  24. PatrickStumpRules says:


  25. WeaknessToAbuse says:


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